2024 | Peregrinus gallery, Scheidegg, GERMANY
2023 | “Ceramics & Art" at a charity concert, EMK Bregenz, AUSTRIA
2021 | “LOCK DOWN", Stavrochori Crete, GREECE
2020 | “inVISIBLE”, EMK St. Gallen, SWITZERLAND
2019 | “The early bird catches the ART”, Winterthur, SWITZERLAND
2018 | “Art for the Heart”, Liestal, SWITZERLAND
2018 | Charity concert, Hospice Vorarlberg, St. Sebastian, Hard, AUSTRIA
2013 | Collages “Greece”, EMK Bregenz, AUSTRIA
2012 | Collages, Evang. Reformers' Church, Bregenz, AUSTRIA
2011 | Open studio day, Bregenz, AUSTRIA
2010 | “Forgiveness Project”, EFG Weinheim, GERMANY
2009 | “Images of Faith”, EFG Weinheim, GERMANY
2005 | “Home match”, opening of the "House of Art", Viernheim, GERMANY
2003 | “Shop keeper”, Viernheim, GERMANY
2003 | Bistro "Drehscheibe", Viernheim, GERMANY
2003 | FEG Ruhr Congress, Bochum, GERMANY
Graphic collages – digital print, matt laminated on MDF with acrylic
Sculptured pictures – Ytong, plaster, mosaic in oak frame
Watercolor | Acrylic | Drawing | Mixed Media
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